September 2022: Our Month of Testimonies

September 2022: Our Month of Testimonies

Praise the Lord! What a day to be alive! This is a day of joy and glad tidings. We worship the Almighty for bringing us into the ninth month of 2022. Raise your voice in thanking God for bringing you into September.

As a ministry and as a people, we felt the mighty presence of God in the month just gone by. August was our month of divine visitation, and the Lord did visit. To Him be all the glory for His Hand that was so strong upon us. We were guided by the story of the Israelites. Joseph told his people that the Lord will surely visit them, and this was their experience.

After the visitation, Israel left Egypt, spelling an end to 430-year slavery. In August, we also studied the story of Hannah, who also experienced divine visitation. 1 Samuel 1:19 puts it this way, And they rose up in the morning early, and worshipped before the LORD, and returned, and came to their house to Ramah: and Elkanah knew Hannah his wife; and the LORD remembered (read visited) her.

And after this divine visitation, Hannah begot Samuel. From the above instances, we could see that what follows divine visitation is Testimonies. It’s a pointer to what God has in store for us this September. Our anchor scripture is Hebrews 11:2 which the New King James Version renders thus: For by it the elders obtained a good testimony. As used here, “it” is in reference to Faith. Note that the testimony was qualified as “good”.

Having come out of the month of divine visitation, this is the time for us to obtain good testimonies. Therefore, for every member of this commission and all who are connected to the grace of God in Highland Church, I declare this September is hereby declared as Our Month of Testimonies. Get set for good tidings chasing after you at every turn.

This September is the month you will enjoy the favour of God like never before. It’s not just going to be testimonies, but good ones. You should therefore anticipate major testimonies, the kind you’ve not had before. It is going to be a case of one testimony after the other. There will be no evil report this month. Confess with your mouth or drop a comment to this post that this is “My Month of Good Testimonies”.

As you go this month, I bless you with the blessings of the Lord. I bless you with favour and with joy. I bless you with celebration, and whatever you lay your hands upon this month shall blossom and be on the increase. Declare unapologetically that this is your month of testimonies.

God bless you, and do have a great month.

Pastor Joseph Aborowa
Senior Pastor, Highland Church

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