Our Year Of Laughter

My beloved Highlanders,

I am so excited we all made it to 2022 in the manner of nothing missing, nothing broken. To God be the glory for how He ordered our coming into this year, and with abundance. Jehovah Jireh has made everything available no wonder He named 2022 as Our Year of Laughter. (Gen 21:6, Job 5:22)

As a member of the Highland Church, you are aware that the year did not happen on us; instead, we happened on 2022 in the realm of the Spirit. Those your expectations, like Hannah expected to have Samuel, are already in your hands. Praise the Lord!

We just returned from the Mountain of the Voice of God and what He said to us was loud and unmistakable: Overtaking is allowed in 2022, it will happen and you will be a beneficiary. The fresh oil that is already upon you will make this happen.

Having light your way into 2022 a while ago, reign through the year with the illumination of God. You will laugh all through the year!

Pastor Joseph Aborowa
Senior Pastor,
Highland Church