In Matthew 20:1-16, a story is told of a vineyard owner and his workers. He brought labourers to work in the vineyard by 6am, 9pm, 12noon, and 3pm. Even when it was an hour to the close of work, he still went out and recruited persons who hitherto could not find an employer and must have concluded that there won’t be any gig for them that day.

When it was time for the workers to be paid their wage, the bible records that the man started paying those he engaged at 5pm, and gave them the same 1 Penny he agreed with the first set of workers. This infuriated those who started working by 6am and they protested. The vineyard owner reminded them of their agreed wage and asked if they had the right to tell him how to spend his money. So those who started at 6am ended up receiving the same wage as those who worked for just an hour.

God is saying that in this month of November, eleventh hour miracle is your portion. The hand of God shall bring testimonies your way. It will be the case of you putting in minimal effort yet getting maximum results. You’re bound to get an eleventh-hour miracle. It’s a month of testimonies and favour. I therefore declare this November as the Month of Divine Favour! This is our month of divine favour for God is set to favour His people.

Apostle Paul was a man who enjoyed favour despite being the last to join apostleship. He didn’t even meet Jesus physically but was sort out by the favour of God. He declared in 1 Corinthians 15:10 that: “But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” In this month of November, God will grant you favour above your strength, ability, qualifications and experience.

Just like the people who started work by 5pm yet got the same wage as those who began by 6am, God will favour you. The psalmist said weeping may endure for the night but joy comes in the morning. Your future is in the favour of God. There will be something for you to rejoice about because the God of eleventh hour miracles will visit and bless you.

As you go about this month, I release favour, increase and joy upon you in the name of Jesus, Amen. Happy new month!

Pastor Joseph Aborowa.
Senior Pastor, Highland Church.