May 2022: Our Month Of Spirit

May 2022: Our Month of the Spirit


My beloved,

As we kick-start this month of May, God has something for us in Acts 1:8, But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. You can only do mighty things after you have been empowered by the Spirit. Make no move until you have received this power, which is the ability to get done things done.


The empowerment that comes from the Holy Ghost is what will give you the capacity to get things done. There are things you can’t do without empowerment. When the Spirit comes upon you, you get to go everywhere and do what was hitherto impossible. This is buttressed by Zechariah 4:6 which says, Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD.


What Heaven is saying is that we have just entered into the Month of the Spirit. It is therefore the time to enjoy the manifestation of the Spirit which is always advantageous. This is the month when the Holy Ghost will enable you to do all that you could not do before now. Having been promised power when the Holy Spirit is released upon us, it has now been released by virtue of this prophetic theme. Go on then and carry out those things you were not able to do before now.


Wherever you go this May, keep in mind that the manifestation of the Spirit is for you to profit in all that you do. Pray more in the Holy Ghost. Speak his language. Talk tongues that will lead to your empowerment for greatness and strength this month. This fifth month represents favour and grace which shall flow as you pray intensely in the Spirit.


Declare with me: In this Month of the Spirit, I receive grace, greatness and strength.

I shall enjoy increased favour wherever I go.


Receive the Spirit that will enable you to perform good works. The grace of God upon you shall be visible to all. It’s also going to be a month of celebration and joy for you. This celebration and joy will come from you being able to do what couldn’t before now. The Holy Ghost will make this possible.


This is our Month of the Spirit and the manifestation of the Spirit is given to everybody to profit in anything they do. Highlanders who are into business shall experience no loss this May. Success is the portion of our students and examination candidates this May. Anyone among us searching for a better job shall find one this month. Whatever we lay our hands upon shall prosper in the mighty name of Jesus.


Enjoy fellowship with the Spirit and the attendant blessings of God.


Happy new month. Congratulations!


Pastor Joseph Aborowa.