February 2022: Our Month of Manifestation

Glory be to God for bringing us into February. What a privilege to see the second month of the year 2022.

Romans 8:19 is the mind of the Lord to us at this time: “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God”.

Verse 22 of the same chapter reveals that the entire creation has been in pain, awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God. This means that our manifestation is a matter of necessity that must begin immediately.

The voice of God is that now is the time for you to impact your generation. Beyond your kinsmen, neighbours and compatriots, you’ve been tipped by Heaven to happen on the earth’s 7.7 billion human population. The world has been yearning for your unveiling, you can’t fail the creature this February.

Romans 8:19 resonates with Isaiah 60:1, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee”. Your time of unveiling is now. Enough of sitting idly by; it’s time to arise and shine forth. Rise from your current position – the minimum you’ll ever be in life – and embrace greatness.

With the two scriptures quoted above, it should dawn on you that you are no longer under a bushel. That covering of your glory has been removed so you can shine to the world. Prepare, therefore, to be announced unto manifestation this February.

I speak favour, honour, promotion and blessing upon you wherever you go this month. You will manifest what you have been expecting since this year started. You will shine to the entire world in the mighty name of Jesus.

To every member of our Commission and all who are connected to the grace of God in Highland Church, this February is declared as your Month of Manifestation. It is a time for us to be unveiled and glow. There will be no more hiding as we will be shining forth to our world.

Welcome to February 2022; Our Month of Manifestation. Declare it loud and abroad that it is your month of Manifestation. Let everyone know that you are bound to Manifest this February.

God bless you!

Pastor Joseph Aborowa,
Senior Pastor, Highland Church