December 2021: Our Month of Thanksgiving and Increase

Praise the Lord! What a day to be alive. It’s so exciting to make it to the last month of the year, 2021. Thank God for the gift of life and for His graciousness towards you and yours.

According to Psalm 92:1, “It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High:”
When inversed, this scripture indicates that it is bad not to give thanks to the Lord, particularly when 1 Thessalonians 5:18 demands that “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Every time you thank God, you are doing a good thing and carrying out His will concerning you. That positive or negative experience should not detract from our thanksgiving to God. Be assured that no evil nor tragedy shall befall you or your loved ones for the remaining days of this year.

You may have records of the things God is yet to do in your life this 2021, thank God regardless, for it is only the living that has a need. The dead worries about nothing hence Psalm 150:6 would say, “Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord”.

We are required to praise the Lord. Doing this will make the earth yield her increase as God will shower on us the sort of blessings that will make the ends of the earth fear the Lord. This is a paraphrase of Psalm 67:5-7 which is our anchor scripture for this month. Our thanksgiving will make God, not our employer or other benefactors, bless us. These blessings are such that will make the entire world fear God. Such blessings shall be our experience this December.

For every member of our Commission and all who are connected to the grace of God upon Highland Church, this month is therefore declared as Our Month of Thanksgiving and Increase. Get set for an increase on every side; there shall be favour, joy, and abundance everywhere you turn this month.

As you go about this December, I bless you with the blessings of a priest. The close of the year will bring your blessings. You will end 2021 in joy and celebrations. There shall be no death. Journey mercies are your portion. There shall be no evil report nor disasters in the name of Jesus.

Welcome to December, your month of Thanksgiving and Increase.

Pastor Joseph Aborowa
Senior Pastor, Highland Church