A Roundup of Highland Church’s Holy Ghost Conference 2021

For six straight meetings, Highlanders and first timers answered to the call of the Spirit and the bride as they drank lavishly from the water of life that flowed freely during the Holy Ghost Conference, HGC 2021. Hence, if you hear about members of Highland Church breaking barriers, shattering the seal placed on their destinies or accomplishing what nobody in their extended families ever achieved, know that it’s the License they got from this Conference at work.

What happened in Goshen from Wednesday, Sept 22 to Sunday, Sept 26, 2021 would pass for an experience than an event. It was an experience in inspiration, revelations of messages behind the messages,
instructions and impartation.

There was an unusual aura of God’s presence enthroned by the angelic ministration of the Highland Church Choir. Musicians in the House, including the Spirit-filled Peterson Okopi and his band, lunched worshippers to the Throne Room, thereby creating the right setting for the spirit-filled congregation to speak in new tongues and prophesy.

While ministering, the Senior Pastor, Joseph Aborowa, sighted the Spirit of God standing by the door of congregants’ hearts waiting to be let in so that He can take over. This tallied with the earliest instruction from the Guest Minister, Pastor Segun Kingsley, who enjoined congregants to step aside so that the Holy Ghost can work through their lives.

Pastor Segun Kingsley waxed prophetic and didactic all the while he ministered the Word, opening the eyes of the people to hitherto unseen truths in the scriptures. He started from 1 Kings 17 where God respected Elijah’s order and consulted the Prophet when He was about to send rain upon the land of Israel.

While preaching about Change of Baton, Pastor Segun exposed how Paul collected the baton from Peter on whom Jesus had resolved to build His Church. Another intersection between the ministrations of Pastor Joseph and Pastor Kingsley was on the need to keep the fire of God burning in the hearts of Highlanders.

Pastor Joseph had read from Leviticus 6:13 where it was commanded that the fire on the altar (people’s hearts) must not be allowed to go out. He then advised that this fire should by kindled every morning throught intense prayers in the Holy Ghost. While butressing the need for the fire to keep burning, Pastor Segun disclosed that members can ensure this by serving in the House of God and by embarking on a personal prayer retreat after the HGC.

He then introduced congregants to the fine detail of multi-day dry fast; the days when participants feel most affected and when they won’t feel like ending the dry fast again. “When you have an encounter with God, let your heart be on fire and one major ways to keep the heart on fire is by serving God, being a worker in the House of God. Keep the fire burning and must not allow the fire in the altar go out,” he said.

One major high point of HGC 2021 happened on Sunday when Pastor Segun imparted power upon the worshippers by anointing everybody in Church. Prior to this impartation, he warned worshippers to jealously guard what is about to come upon them, stressing that “when you carry the power of God, you carry God. You can’t carry God and carry something else”.

The UK-based preacher identified God as the Owner of Value who through the addition of Value can turn £10 to a billion pounds, and by the subtraction of Value, devalue a billion pounds to £10. Pastor Segun cited example with John the Baptist who had this Value as an embryo in his mother’s womb (Luke 1:41-42) but lost same due to adversity so much so that he doubted the divinity of the same Christ he recognized as a foetus (Matthew 11:2-4). Highlanders were therefore warned not to allow tribulations which are bound to test the impartation they’ll receive, to steal the Value they are taking from Holy Ghost Conference 2021.

The Conference also provided a golden opportunity for many young believers to have the Upper Room experience from which they started speaking as the Spirit gave them utterance. While many in the Auditorium spoke in new tongues, several others fell or screamed under the Anointing.

Indeed, HGC 2021 answered to its name and made Highlanders appreciate why the Holy Ghost renamed the Recharge Conference after Himself.