December 2022: Our Month of Thanksgiving and Harvest

God be praised for bringing us to the month of December. We return all the glory to Him for His love, mercies and all He has done for us.

What the Lord saying to us at this time can be found in Psalm 92:1, “it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto thy name, O Most High:” This month, God is demanding thanksgiving from our lips. When read the other way, the above scripture says failure to thank the Lord is a bad thing.

This is a charge for us to give God thanks for His visible and invisible works in our lives. This is in accordance with Psalm 67:5-7, “Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee. 6 Then shall the earth yield her increase; and God, even our own God, shall bless us. 7 God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear him”.

You can imagine being showered with the sort of blessings that will make every ear that hears of them fear God. This is the season the Lord is set to grant us testimonies that will cause those around us to extol Him.

December 2022 is therefore declared as Our Month of Thanksgiving and Harvest.

The earth shall yield its increase unto us because we will practice verse 5. As long as you praise and thank God, the earth is bound to yield her increase unto you. This month, we are in for thanksgiving and harvest. We will continually thank God and watch as harvests pour in.

Go on and declare that “This is my month of thanksgiving and harvest”. Express your resolve to thank God all through this December. There are several reasons to do this and as you do, harvests will be your portion.

I prophesy that there will be a harvest of testimonies in your trail this month. God crowns the year with His goodness and our path drops fatness. You are ending this year in celebration and rejoicing.


A happy new month, and welcome to our month of Thanksgiving and Harvest!

Pastor Joseph Aborowa,
Senior Pastor, Highland Church.

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